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Non-Toxic Beauty and Personal Care (Series) - Have you ever wondered which ingredients are actually in all your personal care products? Have you heard warnings about toxic ingredients, or wondered what labels like "organic" and "natural" actually mean? Do you know how your cosmetics are made, and whether they are tested on defenseless animals? Your largest organ is your skin, and conventional beauty standards demand we put a lot of things all over it, and our skin absorbs what we put on it! While those demands are optional, of course, many people use at least some form of beauty and personal care products (and feminine hygiene products, too), but unfortunately, not all of those products are healthy or even safe. In fact, many are not even evaluated for safety by the FDA. Needless to say, finding safe, healthy alternative products that actually work can be tough!


Non-Toxic Beauty and Personal Care


Includes the Following Infographics:

  • Clean Beauty, Toxic Beauty, Which Do You Choose?
  • Do You Pollute Your Body, or Pamper It, The Eco-Friendly Way?
  • Is Your Fragrance a Health Hazard to You and Others?
  • Do the Ingredients in Your Pit Stick and Pit Spray, Stink?
  • The Toxic Truth about Feminine Hygiene Products
  • Nature’s Way to Heal Your Teeth and Gums
  • Is Your Mascara Safe and Healthy?



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